Glendene School
60 Barrys Rd, Glendene, Auckland
Ph 09 838 8603
Mob 02108475283
Please ring or email Cecilia in the school office to make book an enrolment interview to meet the principal at least six weeks before your child turns five. At the meeting, please bring your proof on New Zealand citizenship (either a birth certificate or passport) or New Zealand residency documents. Please note that we are unable to enrol a child without these documents. Enrolment booklets will be handed to you at the interview.
Please provide an immunisation certificate to show your child/ren are up-to-date with their immunisations or bring along their plunket book.
Pre-visits for children and parents prior to enrolment is most helpful for all children and especially those with no pre-school experience.
We are delighted that your child is coming to our school and we will endeavour to provide for them on an individual basis, meeting both their emotional and academic needs.
Please contact the school office if you know of children who are prospective new entrant enrolments.
To book your enrolment interview with the principal, please contact the school office on (09)8388603 or text 02108475283 or email office@glendene.school.nz.
School Donations
The Board of Trustees has decided not to ask for school donations for 2022 again. This was decided to be equitable to all of our parents and to try to ensure that all students have their stationery and their school uniform in Term 1.
We appreciate continued school community support with our usual fundraising events during the year.