Glendene School
60 Barrys Rd, Glendene, Auckland
Ph 09 838 8603
Mob 02108475283
The Glendene School Curriculum
The Glendene School Curriculum has been created after consultation with our students, parents, staff and the community. This curriculum is designed to raise achievement so that learning is relevant and reflects our students and their whanau aspirations for their futures.
Using the New Zealand Curriculum we have created a personalised curriculum delivery plan for the students of Glendene School.
The delivery of the Glendene School Curriculum will reflect our school vision, values and principles. The curriculum is for ‘Hope’ our Year 6 graduate who will leave Glendene School confident and empowered.
The Glendene School Curriculum acknowledges the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi. The Glendene School’s curriculum is culturally responsive and reflects the learners in our school.
Glendene Curriculum Delivery Plan
Multicultural Groups
Pohutukawa students are encouraged to join multicultural groups - Pasifika, Kapa Haka and Indian. The multi-cultural groups perform at music festivals, concerts and special events and are a real feature of our school. Kōwhai students participate in kapa haka.
We really appreciate all the support from parents, families and tutors for our Maori, Pacific, Indian and Hip Hop performance groups. If you can help teach action songs and dance, crafts, carving, weaving, etc. please contact us at school.
Te Reo Māori and Tikanga Māori
Student Leadership
We have many opportunities for all students to show leadership in classrooms and in the school so they can promote our school values of looking after others and looking after our place. We encourage Tuakana/Teina where older students act as ‘big brothers or sisters’ to our younger students.
School wide day to day responsibilities include our younger students ringing the ‘Get Ready for Learning’ handbell and our Year 6 students helping with the daily running of our school by being peer mediators, patrol monitors, sports leaders, library monitors, juicy monitors and messengers. Pohutukawa students also have the opportunities to run school assemblies and lead Pōwhiri.
As part of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Tikanga Māori we begin and end the day with karakia and waiata. Māori world view is incorporated in all our teaching and learning.
At the beginning of each term we have a Pōwhiri to welcome new students and their whanau.
Giving children opportunities to learn about ‘Our Place’ means that Education outside of the classroom (EOTC) is an important part teaching and learning at Glendene School. When planning for teaching and learning there is an EOTC focus to hook in learners and to enhance learning.
Every two years our Year 5 and 6 students go to a two night off-site camp.
Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport
All children are expected to take part in the school’s physical education and fitness programmes unless a note is sent from home requesting exemption for health reasons.
For the general physical education and fitness programmes, children are asked to bring suitable clothing to school each day.Please ensure that all clothing brought to school is clearly named.
The swimming component of the physical education programme is taught in the school pool in the first term each year. We encourage children to bring their swimming togs and towels every day during the swimming season.
Children wishing to play games on the fields during the winter term should have a complete set of old clothes to change into.
The school library is very well stocked, attractively maintained and a valuable teaching resource. It is open daily for children to use from 8.30-8.50 and at morning tea and lunchtimes.
Classes have opportunities to borrow books. We encourage children to take home library and reading books but we like to get the books back in good condition. Waterproof book bags are available from the office and we want every child in the school to use one to help protect our reading resources.
Children can come to our school library to:
Learn more from books or the internet.
Improve knowledge.
Browse through the magazines.
Read a good story
Amuse yourself with games & puzzles.
Relax with a picture book.
You’ll love your Library
A mobile library calls at our school once a week on Tuesdays from 12.45 – 1.30pm. Your child will need a Waitakere Libraries card to borrow books from the Mobile Library.
Duffy Books
Owens transport Limited and our Board of Trustees sponsor Duffy books so that all students receive books to take home every term.